Thursday, November 02, 2006

Late Again!

Now you may or may not know this, but as a family we really struggle to get anywhere on time... especially if it is a morning appointment!
Yesterday we had a playdate at Mumbo Jumbo (indoor play centre) and we were half an hour late. Here is a run down on what happened - just to give you an idea:

We were just about to walk out the door when Sam did an explosive poo which left his back feeling very warm! I went and changed him, including a full outfit change. I then picked him up and he spewed all over himself and all over me! That meant I had to get Kel to change Sam while I changed myself. We finally got everyone in the car and went past the petrol station and it was extremely cheap so we just had to get it then (they always put it up by about 10c on Wednesday afternoons).

The days of just deciding to go out - and just walking out the door, are long gone in this house now!

Now we have to make sure we have a change of clothes for Sam, Josh (and me!). Nappies, Pullups, food, drink etc, decide whether we will need one, two or no prams, and by the time all this happens, Sam is usually ready for a feed so that takes another half an hour!

So now I hope you will understand if we are late occasionally :)

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