Monday, November 12, 2007

Thirteen months (and a bit)

I have been slack, slack, slack!

I missed the thirteen month post... and have almost made it to fourteen months!

Sam is such a clever little boy... he is picking up new things every day.

He can point at the cow on his wall when you ask him, he points to his mouth, he can let you know when he wants a drink, or wants to get up, or get down. He blows bubbles in the bath (with his face in the water!). He doesn't really say much in words, but he can still let us know what he wants. He does say mumma and dadad and bubub. He waves every time he sees the cats (because that is usually when I let them outside in the morning.

He loves stealing sultanas from my breakfast in the morning. Actually he is a lot like a seagull when anyone has food that he wants.