That means that Sam is now sleeping in his cot!!!
He had a day sleep in it, and is right now asleep and will hopefully stay that way until the morning.
I hope I don't jinx it, but the last few nights I have been letting him go a bit before I go into him. It has meant that when he woke at about 2 or 3 that he would go back to sleep until about 6am.
This morning I woke at 7:15 and had to actually go in there to check on him. He was just lying there awake!
Sammy Boy you are getting cuter and cuter by the day!!!
Love Aunty Kel & Mark -xoxo-
Sam you are so gorgeous. I hope I get to meet you soon. Uncle Dale will be there to give you a hug and kiss from me and your cousin Mikki. Tell Mum and Dad I would love to see a pic of your room.
Love Auntie Janie.xxxxxx
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