He gives us really big grins, and sometimes he even lets out a little laugh!
He likes being tickled up his arm and under his chin.
I don't remember if I mentioned this on the blog or not, but just after Sam was born they checked his hips (as part of the normal routine) and they said there was a 'slight click'. They gave us a referal for an ultrasound at 6 weeks. We had the ultrasound on the 15th November and have just gotten the results. This is what it says (so you will have exactly the same information that I have)...
"Both hips are demonstrated. There is a lateral placement of the hips. The acetabular angles at 61 degrees are within the normal range. The appearances suggest slight physiological immaturity. A repeat examination in six weeks may be appropriate".
So we will be booking in a follow up ultrasound in 6 weeks time. I am not too worried about this. I have a friend who has been through this before with her daughter and everything is fine now. One of her hips corrected itself by the followup scan, the other one still had problems so she had to wear a brace for a few months. To see her now you wouldn't even know it.
Last night Sam had a feed at 10pm and then not again until about 4am, then breakfast at about 9am. I think that is great! Though he has had a few hungry nights when I have had to get up three times - and because I am not used to that anymore it really takes a lot out of me!
Josh went to give Sam a kiss yesterday, and instead of kissing him on the head like he normally does, he kissed him on the lips. Well Sam chose that exact moment to spew up some milk! It went all over Josh's face and into his mouth!!!
OMG how did your new bubby get to be so big so soon!!!
Feel free to copy my blog post about the girls on EB - think about you guys often but life is continually on top of me so I never make it for more than a lurk!
That smile is absolutely gorgeous Trace.
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