But I did feel it again this morning.
Today I was sorting out all the baby clothes into different sizes. It was so weird to look at all these tiny clothes that Josh used to wear, and I could even remember the first time he wore some of the outfits, or I knew straight away what size it was.
We will definitely be right if we have another boy! We have got Josh and Riley's old clothes. We do have a few girls outfits that we had bought last time, or that used to be Hayley's. But anyway, girls can wear blue right???
We really don't need any bibs... I think we have got enough to wear three a day for a month before we would have to wash any! And we have lots of hats, and HEAPS of shoes (thanks to Riley's donation).
Hi Trace,
Guess I'm gonna be the first to leave a comment. Just wanted to say that I'm really happy for the three of you that Blobs going to be gracing us with his/her presence. I've had a bit of a read and can shed some light on Dr Samuels accent...word has it he's from Sth Africa and the accent is Africaan (not sure how thats supposed to be spelt). Anyway take care of your 'little' package and I'll see you every 2nd Wednesday!
Congratulations Trace and Kel and Josh.
Love Tracey
oh look at the gorgegous Belly! Glad to hear things have been going well! Hugs for Josh from the girls!
Hi Trace,
Its really nice to see how quickly you are growing. I remember just seeing you before Easter and you weren't showing at all and on Tudesday you were very obvious. Well I don't think I'll be too far to reach you.
Hi Trace,
I am so excited for you! I am so looking forward to having our second one! I bet Josh is stoked too! Congratulations love. What Lisa said...the accent is Afrikaans (I have that sort of accent too but not very strong anymore!). So glad you have a blog for blob. Just thought I would also let you know we have a blog as well if you want to see some photos of Natalie and such. It is
Anyway, don't know if we will see you this weekend. Hope so. It would be good to catch up. and BTW thanks so much for the loan of all the baby stuff while we are down there. You're a gem.
Love Suse Hocking
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