Hi everyone,
I won't be updating this blog anymore, but I will leave it here for until I can work out if there is a way to merge these posts with my new blog.
The new blog is called 'Catch the Clouds' and is about anything and everything - but still mainly about my boys!
I just think it is going to be easier to update one blog, rather than trying to keep up with two.
Hope to see you over at the new blog.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
16 Months
Second child syndrome must be setting in already... I can't remember the last time I posted a proper end of month update for Sam.
He are a variety of photos taken during January. From the cheeky little boy who loves to do whatever his brother does, including eating at the 'nee naw' table (ie think of the sound that a fire truck makes, this is a fire station that converts into a table and chair).
There is a photo taken at Queenscliff when we went to look at the old steam trains there. Josh got up there, so of course Sam did too! Then he wouldn't come down until Kel had to get up there and grab him. In the middle we have a photo at the beach. I think he ate a lot of sand that day... and ended up very wet (even though he was only supposed to be wading up to his knees). The next photo is his first time getting his face painted - what a scary clown! Then there is another pram photo, followed by eating icecream at Torquay! What a mess he made - but he loved every second of it.
Every night I sing Twinkle Twinkle to Sam... it is the first tune that Tad plays. Sam has even learnt how to do all the actions, including blowing a kiss at the end of the song! (Well I do the kiss, he does the blowing!!!)
We have been very lucky that Sam is still having two day sleeps... the first one is usually about 9 or 10am, the other one at about 3 or 4pm. We give him his bottle and he walks around to say good night to everybody (which involves tilting his head toward them waiting for a kiss). When he wakes up it's his job to crawl under the cot to find his empty bottle, then he goes and puts it in the sink! He is a very tidy boy (I don't know where he gets that from!!). He is always getting paper towel to wipe up any spills.
We have been having a yukky time with teeth lately. It took a while to realise what the problem was. Sam kept waking up in the middle of the night crying. He just lay there wimpering, and I would tuck him in and put Tad on and he would go back to sleep for a little bit. Then it would happen again. I gave him Panadol, which seemed to help. It wasn't until yet another wake up that Kel decided to put teething gel in, and that is when he felt a tooth. It is up the top on the left hand side. Then the next time he woke I put some more gel in, and I felt another tooth, this time on the right at the back, and also another one on the left near the front. So poor Sammy has been getting three teeth at the same time - including two molars!!! No wonder he was miserble and clingy and wanting cuddles all the time.
Oh and I almost forgot.... he can talk!!! He just doesn't want to... or need to, most of the time! We have been trying to encourage him to say ta when we give him things, but lately he just shakes his head when we do that, and then asks for it again (by putting his hand out). There have been a few times when we have caught him off guard, and he has answered us with a very clear 'No'. One time was "Do you want to go on the naughty mat?". The other time was a bit strange... he must have been having a bad dream, and woke up screaming, followed by a very loud and clear "No". Kel even thought it must have been Josh who said it because it was so clear.
We have also noticed lately what a little temper Sam has. If he doesn't get what he wants he throws himself to the ground and cries. Today he even started banging his head on the ground. If he is in his highchair he gets his fork, or his bowl or anything he can grab and throws it to the floor.
Well that is Sam at sixteen months. I can't believe that he will be turning two this year!!!
Sam's Second Christmas
For Christmas this year, it was still hard to know what to get for Sam. He plays with a lot of Josh's toys.
In the end, he got a fold out couch of his own, a little electronic piano (that plays frogs croaking as well as music), new shoes (always a hit with Sam!), a Tad frog of his own (though it has been updated now, and I like Josh's version better). A Little People farm set and matchbox cars (also another hit there).
In the end, Josh was playing with Sam's toys a lot!
Other things he got were a little ride on bike that converts to a rocking toy, a cookie jar shape sorter, a bag of sand toys, some books and clothes.
Sam was right into unwrapping presents... pulling off a little piece of wrapping paper at a time. It took him ages to open each present! And the Santa Sack didn't hold his attention long... we actually found some presents still in the bottom of the Santa Sack about a week later!

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