Saturday, February 25, 2006
Checking out the facilities
Dr Samuels is a man who looks like he is in his 50's and he has a strange accent that we can't quite place. The best part is that he fully bulk bills all his visits and the ultrasounds. He told me that we can talk about VBACs more when we get closer to 30 weeks. Hopefully this baby won't be posterior (babies back lying against my back) or big (like Josh was). Otherwise it is quite likely that I will have an elective cesarean.
I am booked in for an ultrasound next Wednesday to try and work out dates. They aren't too sure of dates at the moment and they want to nail it down a bit more accurately. I'm not really too fussed about the dates, but I will be very happy to catch an early glimpse of Blob.
Today we took a tour of the Bacchus Marsh Hospital, where we are planning on going this time around. I really wanted a change of scenary from Werribee, plus Bacchus Marsh is a lot quieter, and I am more likely to get a room to myself. They have two birthing suites (with double beds) which look like hotel rooms. They are new rooms built last year. Then there are two labour rooms, which are pretty basic rooms to have the baby in. Then after the baby is born, you spend 24 hours in the birthing suite, then you are moved to the ward. It sounds like a lot of moving around to me, but anyway... Another plus about Bacchus Marsh is you don't have to pay for parking! And it is only 15 minutes drive from our house.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Those wierd pregnancy dreams!
I had a dream last night that I was hugely pregnant, and the baby was pressing its face against my stomach so you could see the impression through the skin. Then I told Kel to get a camera. While he was gone, suddenly the baby was lying on my belly, it was a girl with dark chin length straight hair, and she looked like she was a two year old! I put her on the boob for a feed and she started talking to me, complaining that I was doing it wrong!!! Cheeky thing!!! I was not happy that I had given birth to a 2 year old!!!
I'm about 7 weeks now, nothing much happening yet... I have been getting up to pee the last couple of nights, and I have been more hungry, but that is about all. Oh and I think I noticed a new stretch mark yesterday. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but I was in the change room at Target with all those mirrors and lights. It is a darker colour than the other ones. Boo hoo, I guess that I will be getting lots more of those over the next 8 months.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Big Brother

Over the weekend we told most of the family (and a few friends) about Blob. Kel made a thirt for Josh that said "I'm gunna be a big brother". Then we just let Josh tell everyone! It was funny waiting for them to notice the tshirt!
I'm at the weird stage now where it doens't feel real. I haven't really got any symptoms yet, so I just keep hoping that everything is ok. At least when you get morning sickness you know everything is ok!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Tick Tick
Here is my ticker. It will tell you how many days along the little blob is.
Hopefully if it works properly, you should be able to come back to this over and over and it will be on the current date.
Hmmm only 246 days left according to my ticker! That just seems like so long away! Not much has changed on the outside, nobody else can tell that there is a little Blob growing in me... but I have noticed that my sense of smell is really sensitive at the moment, my back is aching (not sure why) and my boobs are sore!
A funny thing happened at work today. Well I should start at the start... I woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling that somebody was poking me in the ribs from the inside. It hurt and it was keeping me awake for about an hour. I asked Dan at work about it (coz he is studying to be a nurse), but I didn't mention the fact that I am pregnant. I will tell them at about 12 weeks. Anyway, he took my blood pressure, and it was good, and he suggested that maybe I was pregnant and that the baby was trying to get out! :) So funny, I will have to tell him that story in another 8 weeks!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Introducing - The Blob
Wow - This is my first entry for Blob's Blog. Today is the 1st February 2006, and at 5am this morning, after waking up with a bursting bladder, I did a pregnancy test. It was a test left over from last month, because I just didn't believe the tests last month and ended up using three before I actually believed that it was negative. Anyway, this time I wanted to make sure there there would be no need for squinty eyes, or magnifying glasses, so I waited until day 35. It was a mean feat, and I must thank my buddies and chocolate for helping through it! I did the test, and I swear it was only 30 seconds later that this bright pink line showed up!

I took some measurements today - my vital stats, so that I can compare them when I get big and fat. The main ones are: 63.2kg, and a bellybutton measurement of 86.5cm.
Oh and if you are wondering, we are due in October 2006. That is all I am giving away... since nothing is set in stone anyway, and I have been known to go 10 days overdue anyway!
It feels so weird that by the end of this year we will have another addition to our family. I have already started to get ready, by doing up the back room for Josh. We will leave his room as the nursery and move him into the back room when he goes into a 'big bed'. Now that will be an adventure!